Home Stretch?

Thinking of ways to get out of his swaddle. 09.08.23

Today is the day Cyrus was projected to be born - 40 gestational weeks old. It's been 99 days since Cyrus and Arthur were born! He's weighing in at 7lb 7oz and gaining every day. We're seeing improvements in his ability to breastfeed and bottle feed. He was getting worn out from both because he hadn't mastered the art of breathing while feeding. He turned a new leaf eating today and was able to spend much more time eating before turning tachypneic (breathing too fast).

We can't bring him home until the NICU team is confident he'll function well without medical intervention for all his normal baby activities. We are probably less than a month from this point, but it all depends on how quickly Cyrus progresses.

It's getting harder to wait, but it's still a massive relief that we no longer have any immediate medical crises. Cyrus is still in isolation, which means we have extra precautions and restrictions when we visit him, just as a precaution in case his E. coli comes back.

Passed out after a full half an hour nursing! 09.13.23

Laura and I are both weary but are doing our best to resume many normal life activities as we settle into the home stretch of our NICU journey. It's difficult around our hospital visits, but we're beginning to find a new rhythm that helps us both keep up with Cyrus, the girls, and our other responsibilities.

Thank you for your prayers. Please pray that we can have the energy, patience, and focus to keep going and that we can keep going with joy despite everything we've been going through.


Please Pray for Emotional Healing


In Quiet and Rest Is Our Strength