April 27th

Just got the 20 week anatomy scans. Can you believe we've made it through 5 weeks of this already?! Both babies are healthy, with good heartbeats and lots of wiggling around. Baby A seems to have dimensions that are exactly within normal ranges, while baby B is very small, having grown only 3 weeks worth of size in the last five weeks. This isn't necessarily cause for alarm, since the ordeal the baby went through can naturally cause this. It could also indicate problems with the placenta, so we'll have to keep monitoring it closely. The good news is that baby B has a lot of fluid all around, less than A but enough to where the doctor says the sack may have healed. Also baby B appears to have good heart, stomach, kidney, and bladder function, so many of the risks are down. Please continue to pray for protection from infection and all the other unknown pitfalls related to this. We're still very much at risk, but feeling optimistic about making it this far and getting good news today. Oh, and both babies are boys!


May 5th


April 7th