Home at Last!

It finally happened! Cyrus came home yesterday evening. We didn’t think it was going to happen till today, but special thanks to our nurse, Jessica, for making it happen much more quickly than it normally would have.

Cyrus isn’t on a feeding tube anymore, but he did have to come home on support oxygen. It’s a hassle, especially with a two-year-old tripping on the tubes and turning off the oxygen concentrator, but we’ll happily manage until it’s no longer needed. The girls can’t get enough of him and are working hard to restrain their excitement to a level that doesn’t put him in danger. They’ve both been able to briefly hold him with support, and they’re gradually getting to do more as they learn to be more gentle with him.

It’s been a rough parenting week for Laura and me, with the girls’ emotions all over the place because of Cyrus. It’s been really sweet to see and hear how much the girls already love their new brother, with Edee asking if she can give Cyrus a bottle as her birthday present, and Oakley begging to help sooner because her birthday is too far away.

Please pray for patience and sleep for all of us, that we can hold off on illnesses till we get our feet under us, and that we will all be filled with joy as this all sinks in.


The New Normal


Almost There?!?!